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What happens

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Lets explain the process.

Youve made contact, seen our menus, got a quote and ready to part with mum and dads cash… whats next…..

After you pay your initial deposit to secure your date, sit back and stalk our socials and keep an eye on our website… once your pinterest board and instagram feed is full of images of food, it will probably be time to get you in for a tasting….these happen in the winter months prior to your weddings


Our purpose built tasting room is yours for the night..

Every couple that books a wedding with us, gets a private dining experience.. These tend to happen throughout November and December prior to your wedding. These nights are the best, your host for the night will talk you through all the dishes and answer all your wedding related food and drink questions.. It's gonna be a feast! We also have a bar so you can purchase drinks. And sample some of our kick ass cocktails.

*feel free to bring up to 8 guests(additional charge for guests)

On this night, we can go through allergens, final numbers, final menu choices etc etc
